Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part II (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Bad chase scene, bad villains, bad reveals, oh my!
24 June 2022
There isn't much of a takeaway from this episode. It's just an escape episode with more really unrealistic chase scenes.

We did get a change of scenery this episode which is really refreshing!

I like the idea and the look of Daiyu. As for who we meet here, Haja the Jedi con artist is a pretty charming idea, but maybe a bit cheesy compared to the tone episode 1 built.

I didn't really mind him in the end but I did get fed up with Leia here. Her being difficult just wasn't fun to watch. Plus for a kid that's supposed to be so smart, she wouldn't stop blurting out loud about how Ben's a Jedi.

Reva also continues to get more aggravating. I thought her just telling Obi-Wan that Anakin survived is the most underwhelming way they could've handled such a moment.

And the shock "death" was dumb. Fans know it's a fake-out and there wasn't enough build-up for it to be impactful anyway.

So after this, I'm really mixed on this season so far. I really hope this show doesn't end up half-assed like Boba, but I'm starting to worry.
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