It's so bad it's good
24 June 2022
When I first watched this movie for the first time three years ago, I absolutely hated this film so much. Everything about Ready to Rumble was so bad and just couldn't believe WCW thought this would be their saving grace or a decent movie. Three years later, I feel a lot differently after just rewatching it

The movie is still a very bad representation of wrestling fans - believing every single thing in wrestling is real, acting childish and stupid. Not all of wrestling is real but some parts are like the moves, injuries and some stories/feuds. The humour is incredibly awful which is nothing more than elementary childish humour which is just corny and unfunny

I feel the plot is rushed and very underdeveloped. Like they could have explored more on Jimmy King's role within WCW as one of their biggest stars, he was the only one with decent development but again his story of being screwed out the WCW title to meeting two of his biggest fans who help get another shot at the WCW title or face permanent retirement and having them have Jimmy believe in himself again before winning in the end could have been handled a bit better. The two fans meeting Jimmy and seeing he's not all that's cracked up to be on WCW Nitro with family troubles - estranged wife, child and his own mom and dad could have been handled way better and with more screen time

Rose McGowan is completely wasted in this film playing a Nitro Girl named Sasha who seduces David Arquette's character while secretly spying on him and his friend's progress of training Jimmy for the big match for Eric Bischoff's stand in, Tyrus Kitt, played brilliantly by Joe Pantoliano before being caught before being forgiven towards the end of the film was rushed, underdeveloped and not very believable

However, taking all the bad points I've mentioned and pushing them to the side. Ready to Rumble is still a fun and enjoyable movie to watch, I actually found myself enjoying it on my first rewatch and felt this film had so much potential. I understand this movie was meant to be fun and not super well made but man, come on. Even your typical fun average or just above average movies have better plots and humour. It's not great and it's not the worst. It's alright and I can easily find myself watching this movie again and again

I should also point out the cinematography when it came to the scenes involving WCW Monday Nitro and it's Ready to Rumble PPV ( Made exclusively for this movie) with their matches, especially the triple cage towards the end of the movie where Jimmy regains the WCW title and redeems himself were really well made. It surprised me how good they were. The triple cage match especially is the best match of all time. No match from WWE and AEW can top it.
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