24 June 2022
A 2018 documentary of the learned & scabrous film critic whose prose sometimes were better than the films she'd invariably review. Coming from humble beginnings w/a voracious appetite for the written word she found herself being a contrarian to the popular sway of criticism, championing smaller films & burgeoning filmmakers (Robert Altman & Brian DiPalma to name a few) while also skewering regarded masterpieces (like Lawrence of Arabia & 2001: A Space Odyssey) incurring the wrath of actors & directors (David Lean & Ridley Scott both voice disdain for her pans) alike but yet gaining traction as a titan of review. Holding court during her tenure at the New Yorker magazine, she inspired & cultivated like minded scribes (Paul Schrader being one of many) but until she began publishing books of her collected works, a sense of financial security finally was achieved. Even after retiring, new filmmakers would hope to gain a word from her as they submitted their material for her to view. Now lost in a sea of user created content on platforms like youtube, her like will probably be never seen (or more importantly read) from again in some time to come.
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