The Flash: Negative, Part One (2022)
Season 8, Episode 19
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Words cannot describe what I just watched in this episode, holy crap. To start i'll go into the one negative this episode... Cecile (no surprise there). No disrespect to the actress at all but her character has been on a very steady decline the past 4 seasons with this season making her my least favorite in the show. She's just not needed at all. Okay now that my one complaint for what was otherwise a fantastic episode and one of my personal favorites the last 3 seasons let me continue on. In this episode we see the return of Bashir, Alexa and Deon aka the forces. Despite how atrocious that storyline was last season I felt they were actually not a complete cringe fest and tolerable this episode. To continue on we have Meena Dhawan's new suit, which looks amazing (aside from the cowl). I'm gonna skip ahead a little to the end of the episode, which was by far the best part. First we have Barry kicking ass like always this season with an amazing running scene and fight scene. Now to the part that had my literal jaw on the floor. ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY HAD TOM CAVANAGH RIP METT LETSCHERS FACE OFF JUST LIKE IN THE COMICS?! WTF!? That scene was gruesome, dark and actually amazing to see in live action and genuinely could not believe they went that route. Overall, the ending of this episode completely redeemed any negatives I had and then some. Cannot wait for the finale next week!

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