Its very interesting. Its not in any way transphobic. The very proof that this is a great film is that if you read the few negative reviews, none of them can define woman eith
22 June 2022
This was an interesting movie, and I would encourage anyone to see it. If you feel like you would like to criticize this, then at least see it first. Its not pushing anti anyone agenda.

No one anywhere has suggested we force kids to learn that being trans is bad. However, because so many parents are forced to hand their children to a public school, there have to be strict boundaries. No, a parent shouldn't be put in the position of having to fight what their kids are being taught on a daily basis. All parents are free to teach their kids whatever they like. If you want to teach your kids that gender is a spectrum, no one is stopping you. But it must not be done at school. Anyone who doubts that it is being done at school, I suggest you visit "libs of TickTock" who opened my eyes to what my children experienced. So many 1sr grade teachers proudly self affirming at the expense of innocent children, telling them that you were not born a boy or a girl.

Its amazing what nonsense is occurring in our academia, and the negative effects on children are very clear. Since our schools have been run by the Department of Education and the Teachers Union, good teachers have been pushed out, and very ignorant activist teachers, who put no value on actual discipline and learning have been installed. This needs to change. The legislation to keep teachers from talking about explicitly sexual matters in the classroom is just a. Good start. But we need more. We need cameras in schools at the very least. Policemen wear body camers, so there should be no objection to having cameras in schools, so we know what teachers say. They should be unable to hide anything they do to our kids from their parents. Thats only common sense.
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