The Staircase (2022)
You would do this for the cast, well most of the cast...
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this story isn't news, at least not to americans I suppose, but to those of us outside of that bubble, the documentary series on Netflix and now this offering were as best I can remember my first hearing of this story.

As one would expect of actors of the Callibre of Colin Firth and Toni Collette, there is a lot of very specific and nuanced preformance, there are dynamics at play in this relationship and across the relationship of the mix and match family that this show does a far better story of exploring - unlike the documentary this show really does seem to be putting considerable energy into telling the stories of the children within the broader group, as well as letting us see mow of how Kathleen was functioning and struggling with propping up all these kids, a big house, a busy job and a husband who seemed to spend much of his free time writing stories that may or may not sell copies, and sneaking about with men for sex - whether or not we know if she knew is open to debate until about Episode 7 when he question to him clearly hints that she is very aware of what he is up to, thoguh the extent of it is of course a mystery.

I feel like that oldiest bossy daughter, played by Sophie Turner was just as irritating as possible, i mena can Sophie Turner even act - i'm yet to see any convinving evidence to support that particular proposition. The younger trouble daughter is similar of not much consequence besides he occasional rants and tantrums. The two sons are obviously just spoilt man babies whose father (or in fact their step mother) has funded to life the life of a well off country gentleman with little job, little income and little ability to do anything besides being persistent parasites on Kathleen.

I can't say much for the acting of any of the attorneys either, in the doc, the actual attorney was great, so why didn't they just use him for this, he would have been far more animated and able to capture the audiences attention - whoever that act was was just a tad, well, mmeh.

There is no doubt this is going to always been on the other stories that will never be solved... there is absolutely one person who knows what happened, possibly two people but which of those option replays was compelling? Perhaps i'm actually going for the owl.

Who is married so long and doesn't figure out their partner is cheating, she wasn't blind, she must have controlled the money so where were the funds coming from the pay these rent boys? Kathleen knew and of that i have little doubt, the question is did she care enough to care...

The family are evidently dysfunctional and we so long before the Owl or the firght on the stairs happened, and it would seem that dysfunction is an inevitable journey for them all.

Should be be out of jail - well I must say, if i was on that jury and saw those injuries, and if someon ehad actually shown that owl footage, then no way. If it just went on autopsy and blood and the tensions in the marriage, well i imagine he would have die in the big house.

It is far better than the reviews imply, you just have invest time and consideration into the story being told, and my advice, watch the documentary version before this series.
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