Review of Spiderhead

Spiderhead (2022)
Been there done that
21 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Pharmacy companies are evil." There, summed up the entire plot for you.

I'm usually not a fan of the recent streamer trend of turning what was a 90 minute film into a multipart series, but this film is an example where that would have been a huge benefit.

We don't learn enough about Hemsworth or his background (other than he's a "greedy guy") to care about his comeuppance. We barely learn about the protagonists' romance or the lead woman's backstory enough to care about her. The other inmates are soulless automatons. We get very minor character development from the lead, but it's essentially just "his GF is dead, he is sad."

Imagine how much better this film would be as 6-10 episodes? Give the story a purpose other than "Pharma Bros are bad". Make the audience actually care about anyone at all.
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