Review of Mad God

Mad God (2021)
Rein in your expectations - it's more akin to a student project
20 June 2022
I bet a lot of people had immense expectations about this movie being a fantastical epic adventure akin to something like The Dark Crystal. Unfortunately, it is more akin to one of these graduate student projects during a celebration event or final year project. Highly abstract, sprinkled with symbolism and visual metaphors. Excess footage of ink, foam, and whatnot for the sake of it. It's like someone having too much footage and including it because they became too attached to it. Instead of sharp nice editing.

Don't get me wrong, there is, fortunately, a story being told - however if you are going into this movie blind - good luck figuring that story out and making sense of it! There is not a single dialogue spoken at all! It purely relies on visuals. That being said - there is consistency and a beginning and end. Which is good.

The good:
  • The vibe and environments are good and creative.

  • The movie is at its best when there is orderly progression and when one can follow along. That feeling of going on a coherent adventure.

  • It has an old-school feel to it that reminds of the '80s and 90's

The bad:
  • It has the feel and weight of a pretentious student project. Long, drawn-out scenes. It feels often like someone showcasing their student portfolio scenes.

  • No dialogue spoken. In this case, it weakens the movie. Even Angel's Egg, 1985, had a bit of dialogue that added a ton.

  • One of these movies where the story and symbolism takes itself too serious. Way too convoluted and abstract for what it should be. I reckon on paper it made more sense.

  • Mad God is meant to be watched multiple times to get the full nuances and meanings it feels like. Even after reading the movie description to make sense of this creation, I still did not get it. I normally do not mind, but here I would have liked more background.

I really wanted to like this movie and had high expectations. I gave it my full attention and puzzled together what I could. Instead, it ended up being a bittersweet experience that is mostly forgettable I'm afraid.
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