2000 Mules (2022)
D'Souza DOESN'T tell you that...
18 June 2022
(🔹) His cellphone data source "True The Vote" only claims 100 ft accuracy. (🔹) It can't be better than 16' best case. (🔹) He won't let anyone review that work. (🔹) It didn't "solve a murder". (🔹) Any fake ballots "stuffed" in boxes won't be counted anyway. (🔹) Valid ballots can be dropped in a mailbox.(🔹) He has no real videos of putting multiple ballots in a box. (🔹) So he staged the scenes of a "mule" with piles of ballots. (🔹) And the scenes of them going to more than one box. (🔹) Mocked up with an extra-wide mouth for effect. (🔹) Ballot transport aka "harvesting" for family is legal except in AL. (🔹) Which is why you see folks with more than one. (🔹) Which he just repeats. (🔹) And until recently was unrestricted in Az. (🔹) So the undated report of it in Yuma means nothing. (🔹) Nobody has found fake ballots anywhere. (🔹) Not one of thousands of "mules" and "healthcare workers" has been found and (🔹) Obviously couldn't be paid off forever. (🔹) The Az Audit hand-counted 2 million ballots and matched them to the databases and found nothing.

(🔹) D'Souza omits that he is a convicted campaign law felon (!) pardoned by Trump... (🔹) and that the Russians helped make this film, leaving in a map of Moscow.

(🔹) BUT HE DOES TRUTHFULLY SAY in his Washington Post interview that his "evidence" wouldn't begin to stand up in court. Meaning... it's WORTHLESS. And points that this is just "a movie" after all. So there's that.
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