A Criminally Underrated Genre Mash-Up
16 June 2022
I find movies that you can't necessarily categorize into a single genre pretty interesting. Even if sometimes they fall flat, at least they're trying to produce something original. If I had to categorize Dylan Dog: Dead of Night I'd say it's a horror/comedy that incorporates elements of a detective/drama. It's based off of an Italian comic book, but apparently is not very faithful to the source material. That doesn't bother me in the slightest having never read the comic book. The performances are very solid, from the lead characters down to the actors who were only given a scene, with nobody seeming misplaced or miscast. Specifically, Peter Stormare rises above the rest of the talented cast and is electric. The story is interesting enough to hold your attention, and each scene appears to have a purpose. The dialogue can be clunky at times, but at other times rather witty. I'm honestly not sure why this film was so poorly received. I ended up buying the blu-ray, because I couldn't find it on a single streaming service. I'm pleased with the fact that I'll have it from here on out whenever I'm in the mood to indulge in this unique film.
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