Review of Cryo

Cryo (2022)
It was alright
16 June 2022
The film begins with a team of 5 people just awoken from cryostasis, dazed and confused, with difficulty remembering who and where they are. This is probably where the movie is at its worst, as the actors are extremely wooden in the opening scenes, going beyond the awkwardness their situation should call for, though that does improve as the film goes on and they somewhat settle into actual personalities.

The idea itself was nice, not particularly original, we've all seen it played out in plenty of other movies, this one just included the actual product. It's a game of Clue. Kinda. Stories like this can be very entertaining for those that like to guess at the ending, and I feel like they did a fair job of it here, with plenty of hints and distractions for the audience. The final twist though was a stretch, and just made the story seem arbitrarily cruel and nonsensical, with the reasoning as to why remaining a vague and disappointing mystery.

Otherwise, setting and camera work are both passable, with all shooting done seemingly in the one location. Not a film I'd watch again, but not terrible for a low budget production. Some heavy editing to bring down the length with a bit more clarity at the end, and it might actually be enjoyable.
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