Oh for the love of a good show..
13 June 2022
This could have been so good. Two good leads.. small British town.. suspense.. instead it's forgotten what makes a good small town mystery is .. a small town ..

So much focus has gone into a diverse cast.. we have mixed race couples, people of colour, that's not representative of a small British town.. it's started off so well.. the mixed race couple looking for small town life. Then it became more like London with its diversity. I should know I'm a person of colour who moved from a small town, where we were the only Asian family, into London.. it's distracting and annoying. It loses its authenticity. If you wanted to ram diversity form our throats why not set it in London..?

Then there's the fact that the acting is mediocre, apart from Keeley and Max.. the lady from the home office seriously looked out of her depth. She had one expression only.

All in all blah..
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