Review of Arrival

Arrival (II) (2016)
A cerebral masterpiece
13 June 2022
There are different kinds of food. Some people don't like some kinds. That doesn't mean the food is bad ; it means their tastes aren't refined to enjoy that kind of food.

Except for one gratuitous F-bomb (why do writers and directors do that?)... this is a brilliantly conceived and executed film.

For those who don't get it, don't like it, hate it, or who were "bored"... I'd have to say it's because this is a thinking-person's film that doesn't quite fit adrenaline-fueled brains that have been fed on sex, gore, violence and constant-action, CGI eye-candy. When it comes to science fiction, one either understands the concept of science + fiction... or they don't. If one reads the negative reviews, we see the same claims repeated: boring. Others claim it's pretentious. The only things boring and pretentious here are those jaded negative reviews.

Science fiction does not always mean giant mutant animals, space battles, aliens blowing up cities, or rampaging robots. Sometimes it's just plain brilliant writing, directing and acting, with a script that catches the audience off-guard. This film is the exact opposite of a Michael Bay flick, the opposite of Battle Angel and Maze Runner and Hunger Games. This story requires thinking and a willingness to understand the story being told... as well as the vehicle in which it is delivered. Some folks watch a film just so they can rake it over the coals. Perhaps they need to go back to their eye-candy flicks and leave this level of sci fi to those capable of understanding it.

This film is top-shelf, well worth the watch.
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