McCoy brings freshness and his inquisitive nature to the show
11 June 2022
I really enjoy the intellectual curiosity that McCoy brings to the show. He enjoys learning about different cultures and foods, while giving back to the audience sharing his experiences from his youth to today. Carlton likes to capture not only the attributes that the old hands bring to society, but he embraces what today's youth also offers. Carlton made it out of the projects with the help of his grandmother. His story gives everyone hope. He packs a lot into one show, talking about the past of the locale he's visiting, and its future. It's refreshing to see hosts like Carlton who aren't afraid to talk about real-world issues, dreams, and successes. I'm glad CNN picked a host so young, and hope he'll be around for decades. Carlton's honesty and inquisitiveness will keep producing great show-after-show. The show is a delight, and not intended for the grouchy type of social-media commenter that proliferates the Internet today (note a couple of the doomer reviews here). This is a show about food and dreams, not doom and greed.
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