Review of Two Summers

Two Summers (2022)
Did No One Notice How to Identify the Characters?
10 June 2022
Seems everyone was confused trying to keep track of which characters were which in the present and past (flashbacks).

Here's a little help for those who couldn't keep track: Each character can be identified by the color, or style, of the clothing they wear.

Here is a guide to a few of the characters, I'll leave it up to you to decipher the rest.

Saskia was always in a bikini.

Peter wore a green shirt.

Romee was always in blue.

Didier wore pink and blue.

Lia was draped in colorful garments.

Luk was bald in youth and had a full head of hair and a beard in the present.

So, now you have the Playlist - try and enjoy the plot.
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