Review of First Kill

First Kill (2022)
Romeo and Juliet meets Camilla!
10 June 2022
So people know that one of the first vampire stories, involved a lesbian vampire right? I was going to come on here and review it as "Romeo and Juliet" meets "Carmilla" only to see all this LGBT+ hate!?? It's disappointing that the LGBT+ part is being pushed as a negative. I'm really glad it's there, because gay relationships need more screen time.

I thought it had it's good points and it's bad, I wish there was a little less teen drama, because there's a lot of other good story arches going. I was a bit disappointed where it left off, because it felt like it was leaving a cliffers hanger on purpose. The lore they have going on is pretty interesting too, and I wish I would have seen more of that explored.

I don't think the leads were bad, but I think a slightly better screen time balance would have done a lot more for the story. Because I think there's a lot of likable characters going on, and some of them are really well written because they have complex personalities, and are not just one note. The characters are really strongly written.

The acting is pretty good. Although some of the lines are pretty cheesy, but overall I thought it was really entertaining. But I do actually really like the story Carmilla. It was really fun. Cheesy, but fun.
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