Renovating homes for spoiled rich people
8 June 2022
This is pretty ridiculous concept. They find people with very expensive, large houses who complain and whine about the "lack of space" (in 4 bedroom or more houses?), the mess, the "not open space" etc when the fact is that they are, not their houses, but the owners, horribly messy people who don't even try to maintain their large, expensive houses and don't know how to use objectively large space they have.

Then they invest ridiculous amount of money into renovation where, like for example, one wooden deck can cost 40000 $ or so, and complain and whine about every single luxurious million dollar houses Tod shows them. I almost laughed out loud when on one tour Tod said in dramatical voice "but this house does not have Pilates studio", with dramatic music and pause and horror on customer's face, like he said "your dog just drowned". I mean, seriously??? Those people are rich and super spoiled and the way they whine about stupid things that can be repaired with a little cleaning and some cheap renovations in their stupid million dollar house is seriously appalling. What are they thinking?

Then there is Jillian with her sad, serious face when she has to tell home owners, every single time, that they have some serious issue in home which will take a lot of renovation money. She tells that with super sad face like she is telling them their home just burned down to the ground and they are homeless, it's beyond stupid! Then Kenny asks for some large amount of money, like Idunno, 50000$ to put the hanging electrical cable in concrete or to clear moldy wall or something and owners are of course mad and they consider if they made "a mistake" with this show. Always the same!

Bickering between Tod and Jillian is fun, kind of, and homes do look good at the end (but is that for real or just a fascade?), but other than this, show is pretty ridiculous. Can they just help some less fortunate home owners who are not millioners or something? Or at least have people who do not complain about their 30000+ square feet, 5 bedroom houses and how their enormous kitchen can't fit all the family members (because it's messy!), and how their three bathrooms are just not enough, and how their own bloody river in garden is not pretty enough, and their bar (bar!!!) in living room takes "too much space", or their ridiculously large bathroom is not sound proof etc. Give me a break! People live in shoeboxes and complain less.
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