Rather enjoyable movie...
2 June 2022
I have to admit that I wasn't really harboring much of any expectations to the 2021 action thriller "Mogadisyu" (aka "Escape from Mogadishu"), as the movie's synopsis just wasn't all that appealing or interesting to me. But I do believe in giving a movie a fair chance, and since I hadn't already seen "Mogadisyu" from writers Ki-Cheol Lee and Seung-Wan Ryu, of course I opted to do so as I had the opportunity here in 2022.

And now as I have seen "Mogadisyu", I will say that director Seung-Wan Ryu managed to put together a rather good and enjoyable movie actually. However, I don't think that "Mogadisyu" is a movie that will easily appeal to every single viewer in the audience, as there are layers of political importance to the storyline. But if you have some insight into the tensions between South Korea and North Korea, as well as some understanding of how embassies and diplomats work, then there are indeed lots of interesting aspects to this movie.

Plus, the movie has a lot of action, and I do put emphasis on a lot. There was a constant wave of action lashing out at the audience, which kept the storyline and narrative on edge here, and it was done in a rather enjoyable and also very realistic manner, which made "Mogadisyu" all the more enjoyable to watch.

The acting performances in "Mogadisyu" were spot on. It was unfamiliar faces for me on the screen, and that is something I enjoy when watching movies, as there are no associations to other movies or previously portrayed characters. And I will say that the entire cast definitely put on good performances in "Mogadisyu", bringing the characters to life in convincing and believable ways.

"Mogadisyu" is a movie that I will say is well-worth watching, but then again I do have a leniency towards Asian cinema, so I might be a bit biased here. But give it a chance, if you get the opportunity.

It should be noted that "Mogadisyu" is more than just an action thriller, because there are also elements of drama in it, especially in ways of human behavior and interaction. And I really enjoyed the ending of the movie, despite of how tragic it actually was. But it does portray a very realistic image of the tension between a nation torn.

My rating of "Mogadisyu" lands on a well-deserved seven out of ten stars.
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