Fried Barry (2020)
Cult film potential from South Africa
30 May 2022
Here's something different. "Fried Barry" is like a cult/sci-fi version of "Bad Boy Bubby", even down to the long-haired but balding protagonist who barely says anything. Barry is apparently a drug addict who gets abducted by aliens who hijack his body and then send it back to Earth where he has an odyssey through the streets of Cape Town.

I wasn't surprised to find that the script was only three pages and that the dialogue was improvised. The movie has very little narrative to act as a backbone and as such feels pretty freewheeling.

With the tongue-in-cheek introduction, warning of potentially disturbing content, and the R18+ rating here in Australia, the movie is actually surprisingly tame. There's little on-screen violence or nudity; in fact in one sex scene the actors remain fully clothed.

The actor who plays Barry was an odd choice, but you can see why they chose him. With his wild eyes and razor sharp cheekbones he reminds me of Ginger Baker in his heroin days. In other shots he looks like a caveman. His features are striking but not appealing and he remains unreadable throughout the movie.

The lack of narrative deprives the movie of momentum. However, it has lots of interesting shots, surprisingly good special effects, and surprises. I say check it out.
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