Stick with it
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I nearly gave up on this film about half an hour in. As someone else describes it, it seems to be a goofy comedy that I thought was pretty lame. But it's only setting the scene for what is to happen when Paul decides to go on the rampage. The last hour of the film is excellent imo. I hadn't paid the comments, being posted on Paul's 'Trend Ladder feed' any attention at first, but when I did they turn out to be what makes this film (oh and the two old ladies too). It's a film I needed to watch again to see what I had missed first time around regarding the comments (this from a person who rarely can watch a film twice). And I enjoyed the film more second time around. There's some things that could have been improved. I think the Jack Tapp character could have been better. And the Bowie jokes are very naff. But the Trend Ladder thing is inspired and to me a comedy classic.
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