Review of Hatching

Hatching (2022)
29 May 2022
I can think of other words to describe this movie, but none of them seem to fit it so well. You'd probably expect the ugliness to come from the body horror aspects - it is, after all, a movie where one of the characters eats vomit off the floor - but that pales in comparison to the disgusting individuals that make up the protagonist's family.

Unfortunately this isn't achieved by any clever or insightful writing, opting instead for a collection of clichés you've no doubt seen a million times before in made-for-TV dramas. Spoiled little brat you just want to punch in the teeth? Check. Sad, spineless husband in a unilateral open relationship? Check. Heartless, superficial mother living vicariously through her child no matter the consequences? Double check. As for the daughter, she lacks any personality outside of being a victim for the audiences to insert as.

On top of being simplistic archetypes, these characters don't evolve or show any depth throughout the story. There's nothing engaging about them, which strongly contributes to the feeling of tedium that permeates through it all. In fact, it is only the literal, physical growth of the creature, coupled with some beautiful puppetry, that provides an incentive to keep watching. Once the creature reaches its final form, what little momentum the film had completely evaporates.

3/10 (0 stars for the story and characters, 3 stars for the special effects)
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