Review of Part II

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part II (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Am I supposed to shut my brain down because it's fiction
29 May 2022
Let's be honest. This was not a good episode. The concept is there, but the execution is simply sloppy. The whole episodes if full of holes and questionable decisions by the inquisitors. Their leader acts tough, but can't even control a complete novice letting her do basically whatever she wants without zero consequence. This is the Empire we are talking about, they shoot people for a lot less. The other huge flaw which will follow the show throughout the whole season is this Reva who's either written very badly, or is a really incapable actor. I understand baddies are ambitious, but I'm hardly convinced that Vader send some nobody to hunt one of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy. On top of that her acting feels so over the top than even Hayden Christensen's in Episode 2 and 3 is Oscar worthy in comparison. This is something that plagues so many shows recently and Obi Wan is not an exception. At least the kid has an excuse cause she's too young anyways.
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