Looking back at this country's worst nuclear accident
27 May 2022
As Episode 1 of "Meltdown: Three Mile Island" (2022 release; 4 episodes of about 45 min each) opens, we are in "Middletown, PA", where the residents speak with pride about Three Mile Island: "it was part of the community and a sign of progress". We then go to "March 28, 1979, 4 AM", as alarms go off in the second rector's control room. In no time, things go from bad to worse, although Metropolitan Edison, the plant's operator, claims that all is under control. At this point we are 10 min into Episode 1.

Couple of comments: this is the latest documentary from veteran director Kief Davidson ("A Lego Brickumentary"). Here he reassess what went down at the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. The first two episodes provide a minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour overview of it all. Of course there are plenty of TV archive clips, but beware, Davidson also uses plenty of re-enactments. I'm not a fan of re-enactments, and I feel they hold back, rather than enhance or advance, the documentary. Of course also plenty of talking heads, from government officials to local residents. I had forgotten that "The China Syndrome" had been released a mere 2 weeks before the TMI accident. Talk about perfect timing! The movie was derided by the nuclear industry, and instead became seen as an eerily prophetic movie which promptly became a box office success (over $200 million, adjusted for inflation). Episode 3 deals primarily with the cleanup of the accident, and Episode 4 looks at the long-term aftermath. In all, while this clipped by quickly, I can't say that I was overwhelmed by it. Good, but not great.

"Meltdown: Thee Mile Island" premiered on Netflix a few weeks ago, and I binge-watched all 4 episodes in a single setting just the other day. If you have any interest in the nuclear industry and how this incident impacted on the nuclear industry, I'd readily suggest you check this out and draw your own conclusion.
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