Mannix: The Solid Gold Web (1969)
Season 2, Episode 23
Changing my tune
25 May 2022
It's funny how I'm changing my tune in this episode. If I had reviewed it during an earlier viewing, my remarks and rating would fall right in line with what the other two reviewers are saying. I even groaned aloud when I saw which episode this was because I originally thought the actress playing Diana couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. But then I sat down and watched it anyway and I gained new appreciation for the actress and how she approached the role. The episode paints her out as having a drinking problem and I can break that performance down better than I could during earlier viewings. I think the actress is approaching the role more as being troubled than just a bunch of drunk performance cliches strung together.

I'm a very troubled person and going through yet another rough patch. I'm not drinking but it probably wouldn't take me much to go down that route. I definitely have the mood swings going on and basically feel like I'm trapped in a hole or cage. It's a very dark feeling and I'm sure you know how there's many layers to feeling as how I'm describing.

Diana's mind is being eaten alive because she thinks she hit a guy with her car. She didn't. The guy was already dead and was propped up to be hit. But the poor lady's driving herself nuts out of how guilty she feels.

Thankfully Diana had Joe around to help her solve what really happened. And I'll refrain from making my usual snarky comments of feeling all better because sexy Mannix touched her face and hair. No, he genuinely helped her to the point you can tell the character is healing by the end of the episode. And just a few scenes earlier had Joe rushing around to find her because he was afraid she was about to kill herself. Again, no catty remarks out of me for that. I realize this is a work of fiction but absolutely know just how dark things can get for somebody troubled---no matter what they're troubled about.

The end scene had Diana showing off a piece of art she'd drawn of Joe and thankfully it did look like Mike Connors instead of that last freakshow piece of artwork in another episode that made Joe look like a vampire about to suck all the blood out of the women he comes in contact with. So props to the artist that drew the art in this episode. I'm not sure if that person was credited but they should've gotten a credit if they didn't.

And I love the ending scene for another reason. It just keeps lining up with my theory of Mannix being written as a sex god. There's banter about nobody being able to catch Joe but Diana will certainly keep trying. You know Diana's right the first time since Diana's never seen or referenced again. Here's hoping she was able to sketch Joe in the nude so she could have a momento of that. ;) I'll finish this stream of thought by saying Mike Connors really looked sexy in this episode.

So yeah...try and give this episode a shot. It truly is an episode that could go either way. You might find it cringeworthy the way I used to feel about it or you might have the newer understanding I gained from watching it this time around.
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