Sneakerella (2022)
Sneaker designer
23 May 2022
I have seen many different takes on the Cinderella story and the most recent version I saw was Cinderella (2021) starring Camila Cabello, which I thought was laughably bad. So, I was not expecting much with this modern twist of the story, but I tried to keep an open mind.

The acting was surprisingly good, like Chosen Jacobs as the main character El he was good in the movie, and I liked the character he plays as an inspired Sneaker designer. I liked the creative Sneaker designs he made, and I liked seeing him create the Sneakers from scratch with his own ideas.

The songs are good, and the dance chorography was good. There are nice looking camera shots of New York or Queens that were nice to look at, and there were nice looking visuals of the Sneaker designs popping off the page of his sketches.

The romance was cute, and I was invested enough in the main story. Some people might like it and some people might not, but I think you can enjoy it for what it is doing and what twist it brings to the Cinderella story.
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