So Not Worth It (2021– )
Cutesy Comedy Centered in International Dorm Room
22 May 2022
There are a couple of characters that you will just love. This is a cutesy comedy centered in an International dorm room - each with their own story and "hook ups" within the group. I got a laugh out of the blond haired Chicagoan who was cast as a kind of a punk or thug type who eats all the time like a pig. If you ever visited Chicago at the Taste of Chicago where everyone stands around eating at parking meter's that have been turned into tables stuffing themselves with ribs you will appreciate the casting (I am from Chicago burbs so I can relate). Also the adopted Korean who grew up in the states as the son of a famous actress was so funny and a joy to watch. The local Korean who had a mother that never got married but had kids with numerous different father's so they all looked different ethnicities was hysterical when he received as a gift a pair of Michael's Special Edition gym shoes from the adopted Korean actress's son. Then there is the Swede who follows rules to the tee. It is a light hearted comedy that you should enjoy.
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