This looks like that old grindhouse classics.
22 May 2022
I saw this one on release day on their channel, and somehow i was mesmerized how they pulled it off with a low budget like this, it has that vibe of grindhouse classics and lots of blood, the violence in the late 70's showed more realistic and depressing popular culture, showing the dark side of New York City (full of low lifes, street criminals, drug dealers, drug addicts, underage prostitution, disgusting pedophiles and slimy perverts) So in this first chapter we see him take on a criminal organization led by one mob leader Teschio (D. Dias) so we know it won´t be a easy fight has he struggles with his legacy of the old path done by his father, i liked this backstory wish there was more of it, but that´s not the case here.

The soundtrack is good.

"The Exterminator Retribution" will become a cult classic among the exploitation cinema in time, but like the other flicks from this genre it's not indicated for the general audience...
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