Weak John Hughes Movie
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can't quite put my finger on it but this didn't seem like the pieces clicked together very well.

Normally I sympathize with the angsty teen against his parents but Keith spends his whole college savings on one date??? On a high school date? Are you kidding me??? You work your whole high school career and then spend it all on earrings that can't be returned??? How are we supposed to root for this character? The writer/director obviously knows nothing about life because he thinks it's deep to blow your college savings on caviar and jewelry and piss off your parents at the same time.

The characterizations were off too. Take the jerk boyfriend. The point of these types of guys is that they're charming on the surface and sneaky jerks behind the scenes and their sleaze is hard to nail down. This guy was an a-hole all the time and no one seemed to notice? Why not add a nazi armband to his shirt??? Nope these people are so obtuse, they wouldn't notice that either! On no planet would this guy be popular treating people the way he did.

Watts' act also irritated me. She wants to be accepted yet does everything in her power to alienate everyone around her. Not very likable either.
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