Review of Oscar

Oscar (1991)
Everyone's Different. Some Like Oscar ... and Some Don't
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody please take me to a psychiatrist....because I "must" have been mentally ill to go see both of Stallone's attempts at making comedy films.

Now, that's just a little joke and actually, from my original review of this in 2005. I updated this review today because I wanted to be less 'snarky' about it. I saw this at a movie theater a few days after it came out.

While I am glad others can find 10, 9 , 8 or 7 star humor in it...when I saw it, I simply just didn't find it funny and I was 23 then. I have a great sense of humor, I love comedy , but "Oscar" just didn't work for me.

I'm not rating it 2 to be a jerk or tell anyone their opinion is wrong ... it's how I honestly feel. I felt that also the advertising for the film built a false expectation.

I thought this could be a really funny film, when studios put together a movie trailer, they try to put the best scenes within them. I also, after seeing Oscar, didn't think he could fail me twice, when I went to see "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot."

Yet, I did have the same result with, "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot." When I thought a situation was building to something really funny, it too, like that film , fell totally flat.

For "Oscar" , there was so much more here, that could have been used to great effect in creating great humor and comedy, but for whatever reason, what they were aiming to do here, missed the target. (Yes, that is a great cliche'd way of putting it, but it fits. )

I can honestly say the only thing I, marginally, laughed at, was when he was going on about the "records" his 1930's daughter has been listening too. "Minnie The Moocher" by Cab Calloway.

The most tired idea in this movie was done 100 times better in Streisand's, 1972 film, "What's Up Doc?" It's the "we mixed up each others tote bags" plot. This was a completely unoriginal idea. Oh no, one has ladies underwear in it, instead of ..."

Hardly matters, because this is where the film totally lost me, I didn't leave the theater, but after that unoriginal idea, even the plot of his daughter marrying an oddball like Dr. Poole (Tim Curry), couldn't keep my full attention. (Curry was good here but, the surrounding elements, made it a waste of his time and talent.)

Again, to all of you that LOVE "Oscar", I'm glad for you. I just didn't enjoy it. We're human and allowed to have different feelings about things.

2 stars : I gave one extra for Curry. That's my honest view. (END)
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