A Poor Retelling Of The Much Better Bewitched (1981). 1-2-Miss.
19 May 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Brutal Sorcery; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 0.50 Direction: 0.25 Pace: 0.25 Acting: 0.50 Enjoyment: 0.50

TOTAL: 2.00 out of 10.00

The thing about Brutal Sorcery and my low ratings is timing. Unfortunately for Brutal Sorcery, it hasn't been that long since I watched Bewitched (1981). Maybe the writer thought people wouldn't remember that film as it had been two years. Bewitched's basically the same story, but with better characters and better structuring. Sadly, Brutal is the much, much, poorer cousin. Though a few things get changed around, such as the wife getting the charm and not the husband, and it's her and the doctor who goes looking for answers and not a policeman looking to solve a murder, the rest is too similar to be a mistake. Which is no surprise when you realise it's the same writer, On Szeto.

Maybe the reason sits with the directors because Ling Pang, who directed this picture, has a more standard filming style than Chih-Hung Kuei. Pang is more of a point-and-shooter, whose composition is a tad off. Though, I will say that I did like the bloating stomach segment. He cuts between two scenes, and each time we return to the expanding belly, we're closer to it, and it's larger. It was a shame we didn't get to see the big pop. It's a good job he didn't have Dr Pimple Popper treating him. But overall, it's a rather lacklustre affair. Even the pacing is too slow, which merely adds to the film's dullness.

The cast is okay, though the lead man is not quite right. Sometimes he's a normal and believable bloke. Next, he goes all Michael Keaton's Batman, "You wanna get nuts? Come On! Let's Get Nuts!" and he's way over the top without a reason. But the major handicap the actors and actresses have is the script. Their characters aren't meaty enough. Or the director didn't give them the right directions.

So if you're thinking of watching this movie, don't. Go and hunt down Bewitched - it is infinitely better. It has a stronger story, a more powerful filming style that adds interest and not boredom, and the cast are superb.

Please feel free to visit my Absolute Horror list to see where I ranked Brutal Sorcery.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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