Gurren Lagann (2007)
Epic mecha fantasy and a true reflection of human nature
19 May 2022
The story of a boy who simply wanted to live his life the way it was, and another who dreamed big. Unalike in every way but an undeniable bond and trust shared. The story of Simon and Kamina begin in Giha Village, but it is not long after that they would get blasted off on an adventure that one didn't want and what the other always dreamed of.

I have to say, in the beginning, I found both main protagonists annoying and immature in their own ways. Even still, it works. Contradicting philosophies, and a clash of principles made the show more meaningful which eventually contributes to a rich story and colorful characters. Individually, beliefs of both Kamina and Simon are flawed, but together, work in the best way that helped forged their way to the future: progress is important, but so is cautiousness in one's approach. Despite the mecha-on-mecha duels and warfare being the main attraction of the show, it never strayed from the humanity of everything that started from their journey's very beginning, to its grand finale, and eventual conclusion. The constant slapstick humor and raging duels would give way to some very touching moments when it came on screen.

I also find the opposite happen to some characters: starting off very appealing and strong, but eventually losing some of the shine they started off with later on in the story. Some of the story's elements felt rushed and used what I felt like was an unnatural plot device rather than something that has been developed naturally over the course of the first couple of episodes used to build up the narrative. Again, even if this is the case, it is during some low points and struggles that make moments afterward feel more intense than ever. The passion rubs off on you eventually.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was inspiring in many ways. The first few episodes started strong but didn't sit well with me and I thought rode on some clichéd moments here and there. It still was decent overall and very much rewarding later on as the show progressed. It is without a doubt still one of the best to come out of the early 2000s period of Japanese animation. Even if the animation quality does not compare to the kind of production these days, Gurren Lagann's personality and plot development has a lot of more modern looking shows beat. Sometimes, all we need is someone to believe in us UNCONDITIONALLY even if the odds are against our triumph over difficult challenges. Regardless of whether you are a big fan of the mecha genre or not, there's so much more to love and appreciate apart from the giant battles, blazing infernos, and almost nonstop high-octane action.
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