Shark Bait (2022)
Unbiased Evaluation
16 May 2022
Problem with a lot of reviews in my opinion is that they are using the same criteria for all films and often because expectations are misplaced. It would be unfair to evaluate this film based on the same criteria and expectation say one would of Avatar or Lord of the Rings, right?

That being said, this film is exactly as it advertised and served the function for which it has advertised which is a quick 1 and a half hour of shark carnage fun for you and your friends on a Friday night with popcorn and soda. That's what it is and that's what it did, for that it should be evaluated accordingly.

Comparing this film to Jaws is also misguided. One just assume because both films are about sharks, they're in the same genre. Jaws is much more in the drama genre, with a detailed story that covers a lot of character detail, morality, social construct, and the likes. They are completely different genre.

This film should be compared to films like The Shallows, Horizon Line, 47 Meters Down, etc... because they all serve as more of a quick thriller than a long dramatic story telling. And as such this film delivered what it promised.

  • Annoying young people? Check.

  • Stupid dumb decisions? Check.

  • Formulaic simple story? Check.

  • Total shark carnage? Check.

What more could you ask for? Turn off your head and just enjoy the fun. The CGI is actually fantastic in this one and I have to say it is far more gore than some others I've seen, which makes it a great fright fest.

Considering some very disappointing films of the same genre I've watched recently such as The Requin (2022), Great White (2021), Dark Tide (2012), etc... this one definite beat them all out and ranked up there with 47 Meters Down, The Shallow, etc... in which if you enjoy these kinds of film, this genre of casual thrillers with friends, this is a must see. You're going to have a lot of fun.

If you are going into this expecting it to be Avatar, then you're going to be disappointed. Great film, great acting, great CGI, great entertainment, no political crap, just fun fun fun.

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