This was different, if nothing else...
15 May 2022
Well, this was definitely something else.

The 2016 horror movie "Devil's Domain" started out quite nicely enough and seemed to have potential to be a worthwhile movie. So it seemed that writer and director Jared Cohn was on to something good here.

But then the movie took a turn for the worse and nose-dived steeply. The movie went from being interesting to being ludicrous in quite a short while. I am sure that if you look at "Devil's Domain" as a horror comedy, then the madness and the outrageous things that transpired on the screen would be all the more enjoyable. But I sat down to watch it believing I was in for a proper horror movie. So I have to admit that the turn of events to the storyline didn't really sit well with me.

The acting performances in the movie was a mixed bag of nuts. Some of the performances were actually good enough, taking into consideration the script and storyline; here I am thinking of Madi Vodane playing Lisa and being the lead actress. While other performances were just horrible and wooden; here I am thinking about Linda Bella playing Destiny, as her delivery of her dialogue was just toe-curling to behold.

Visually then I will say that "Devil's Domain" was actually good. The movie didn't make use of all that much of special effects, but the effects looked good and the design of the devil's appearance was actually interesting.

All in all, then "Devil's Domain" sort of fell short of properly entertaining me. Now, the movie is not all that bad, and it is indeed watchable. I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as "Devil's Domain" from writer and director Jared Cohn.

My rating of "Devil's Domain" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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