Boring, seriously C type movie by Andrew James
10 May 2022
Oh dear, where does one start? I tried to watch one of his movies last week and I could only see it as being the worst B movie possible. It impacted me so much that I can't even remember the name of it. 15 minutes in and it was a simple but effective switch off. I then read some reviews about this guy who loves his B movie stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I don't knock B movies but when they enter the realm of C and D, I couldn't help but post one of my very few reviews.

Hats off to him though...... he's very capable of enticing his viewers with a catchy Title and a semi reasonable trailer...... but oh deary me. The content is uninspiring and amateur. I get that B movies are hit and miss. But the two from this guy set the picture for anything else he does.

I got only 10 minutes into this one and for the likes of an amateur stage production, where friends/relatives feel forced to attend to support really bad and poor acting, and grit their teeth throughout, thank heavens I could just switch it off.

For enthusaists of b and c movies don't bother with this one. It's like Andrew James comes to mind every time I watch or start to watch what I think is a really good movie and turns out to be utter rubbish.

Apologies for offending anyone, I just found the movie offensive to me having wasted and waited 10 minutes to switch it off.
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