Countdown (IV) (2012)
Not what you expect!
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I enjoy foreign films. If you don't like reading subtitles, just skip this one. This is a great little home-invasion style thriller. Superb acting from the cast, especially Asavanod in the lead... He steps so casually from the laid-back stoner dude to the psychotic torturer, jumping from clear american english to fluent thai mid-sentance. The writing is excellent, there are really some moments that make you squirm! The plot thickens rather quickly and goes from being slightly tense to all-out terrifying in one very intense scene. I highly recommened this film, the only reason it didn't get a 10 out of 10 stars was that I thought there could have been a tiny bit more backstory for the three Thai co-eds. The important plot points are laid out neatly towards the end, but a few more minutes of personal character development in the beginning would have helped to get the veiwer more connected to them, which would have added a little more empathy and depth.
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