Who writes this crap?
10 May 2022
It never ceases to baffle me just how bad most movie writers are and how someone could sit back after writing something like this movie and think "yeah that's a job well done". Ugh.

This is such an incredibly bad movie; it's basically a Cube knock-off (actually it's more like a knock-off of a Cube knock-off) that takes place entirely in a corn field and whose writers don't understand any of the things that made Cube a good movie. The movie fails on just about every level; it wants to mimic cerebral puzzle movies but the writers either don't understand the fundamental concepts behind those movies and/or they are just inept. There is no plot here other than "we need to escape", which would be ok if the journey was at least entertaining but it isn't. The "puzzles" and the "traps" are all completely arbitrary. Things only tie into one another on the most basic and forced level. Nothing makes sense and they don't bother to offer any kind of explanations. The writing is braindead. The writers simply don't understand the fundamentals that make a convincing/meaningful puzzle/escape room scenario - in Cube, for example, there are strict environmental limitations which force the characters to have to do certain things, (being trapped in a impenetrable cube where the rooms shifted at intervals so there is no obvious path out nor any way to "cheat") therefore they had no choice but to go from room to room and try to figure out the mechanics of how to escape. Or like in Saw, characters have a story which explains why they are there and generally have specific skills which must be exploited to beat the puzzle(s). Here there are no such constraints, nor skills necessary. They could have just lifted someone up to easily look over the corn to see where you need to go, or climbed the giant tree which is easily visible. Or hell, they have matches (which they used to somehow make a torch which appeared for 5 seconds and was neither explained nor mentioned again) - just burn all the corn down! Or just walk directly through the corn to avoid all the traps which only show up on the paths. I could go on; it's just so stupid and insulting to the audience.

The characters are all 1D and don't matter. The script is infuriatingly unrealistic - nobody asks any questions or tries to figure anything out, they just sort of plod along from random thing to random other thing while pointlessly bickering. They're all equally bland and worthless. No one knows anything, no one's backstory matters, and no one seems to have any useful specialized skills. The deaths are just as vapid; characters get killed in the most boring ways and forgotten about immediately.

The only things that stand out in this movie are those which are super derivative of other movies. Nothing is explained or delved into in a meaningful way. I will admit that a couple of the puzzle elements were decent, but ultimately it doesn't matter since everything was so arbitrary and pointless anyway. Don't think you need to hold out with this one because there is no great reveal or explanation. The end is super lame and CRINGINGLY derivative. Avoid this movie and see any of the myriad Saw, Escape Room, or Cube (even the godawful Cube 2: Hypercube is better than this) films instead. If you have a podcast or youtube channel where you make fun of bad movies this would be a great choice.
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