Don't bother....Total Crap!!!
10 May 2022
I thought the movie idea started with promise, the trailer looked interesting, and it went downhill from there. Originally I thought was this set on planet earth? Then I thought WTF is going on and why, then I thought well maybe I'll get some answers, but no it totally failed to deliver.

Without any background or wrap up the film basically takes you nowhere, so then you ask why have I spent the last 1 hr 20 mins of my life on this in the first place?

This really is not a great film, I think the one star rating is probably to much, if director provided some payoff at the end that would have lifted the whole movie........ sadly no :(

The fast overview, people wake up in a field, no explanation, people start dying, some explanation. There is no escape and at the end there are no answers to what you just watched! The End.
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