The Andy Griffith Show: Up in Barney's Room (1963)
Season 4, Episode 9
A rare time Barney's instincts are right
8 May 2022
Enid Markey (Mrs Mendelbright) in a wonderful performance as Barney's landlord. J. Pat O'Malley (Oscar Fields) is perfectly cast as the shady villain. I really enjoyed when Barney got drunk the many looks on Andy's face as Barney pours his tipsy guts out. Andy is curious, shocked, perplexed, sympathetic all in one minutes time. All with his back to Barney.

Don Knotts was one of the funniest actors playing a drunk only equaled by Hal Smith (Otis Campbell) and a few others. I always liked when drunken Barney wondering where the State Police phone call was. Then when the phone rang he was surprised who would call at a time like this. Don Knotts and Enid Markey really worked well together. Funny with all the crime featured in episodes Andy & Barney always still brag Mayberry is crime free. Touching to see Barney's instincts finally right. Then rewarded with lower rent, and cooking privileges.
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