Review of Moonshot

Moonshot (2022)
Here for Terraforming Mars
7 May 2022
I thought this would be a cute movie. It kind of was, kind of wasn't. There's absolutely nothing new here and after a little while you'll be able to guess exactly how it will end (heck you can probably guess that without even watching any!).

I have pretty low standards for movies - I'll watch any old rubbish and usually be entertained - but I did find Moonshot a bit lacklustre. It seemed like a missed opportunity.

But the reason I had to leave a review is for the travesty that is the misrepresentation of Terraforming Mars (the board game played towards the end of the movie). It's not like it's even my favourite board game or anything but I was so disturbed by the way they made it look like a ruddy game of monopoly. Rolling Dice? Cheering?? Pieces placed illegally on the board??? Oh, mercy!

Listen, if you like board games in general and haven't discovered the modern board game hobby yet, I invite you to find a local game store or check out Board Game Geek. There is so much out there. You will be amazed at the amount of choices and strategy a modern board game can offer - no more rolling to move (usually) or family members fleecing you of all your money just coz you were unlucky enough to land on their property during a gruelling three hour game of Monopoly.

You can even cheer during a game of Terraforming Mars if you want - just make sure you're at least attempting to play it as intended first!
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