Better Call Saul: Hit and Run (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
One Step Closer
3 May 2022
This episode moves Jimmy one step closer to becoming Saul Goodman with his new clients and most importantly with the last scene of the episode. The scene with him at the courthouse is also great but kinda sad at the same time, and makes you wonder what his relationship with this people is gonna be or is he gonna completely leave that place and become a full-time criminal lawyer.

This was a nice change of pace as it was calmer than the breathtaking and heart-racing last two episodes, but it still had its intense scenes with Kim and what she had to deal with in this episode.

The opening of the episode with the two bikers is a great sequence that leads to a brilliant twist and scene with a particular character that I'm not gonna spoil, but it's probably not a big deal and not even a twist for people who remember from previous seasons and also Breaking Bad better than I do, or people who saw the twist coming from a mile away. But personally, it was a twist nonetheless and we actually got more lore from this character.

We also have the first act where Saul continues on sabotaging the poor Howard's reputation and it's simultaneously funny, brilliant and a little edge of your seat at the end just like the gold club locker room scene in the first episode of this season. And they also bring back another old character from Breaking Bad, that I only remembered who she was when they dropped her off at her motel house thingy. I don't know if she was already in Better Call Saul or not, but I don't remember her being in previous seasons.

I also thought that I saw NoHo Hank in the middle of the episode and it was obviously not him, but it was weird how similar he looked to Hank and how many people look like him. Also, add another bald guy to the Breaking Bad universe's list of bald guys!

Overall, it's a more tame episode compared to the two previous ones and gives us a better look inside the life of the mentioned character, and also pushing Jimmy to become Saul. Although I feel like Kim is becoming more Saul than Jimmy himself considering what happened to her in this episode and the fact that she kept it from Jimmy. So far, this Saul doesn't seem like the Saul we know from Breaking Bad and I feel like something really drastic and big is gonna happen to his relationship with her or to Kim herself to bring him on the verge of it, but we shall wait and see.
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