2 May 2022
There is no anime that I am more confident in calling a masterpiece than 3-gatsu no Lion. What it is able to do is so powerful and I find it unparalleled by any other show that I have watched. Every single aspect of the show is masterful and is able to shine and enhance the show even more.

With 3-gatsu no Lion looks to be about Shogi, shogi is only one thing in a sea of ideas and themes that the show covers. Depression as well is a main theme of the show, but I wouldn't say it's the only theme. Rather, I'd say the theme of the show is how everyone is struggling. The ways that the show is able to show this theme is absolutely magical.

Everyone has a story. Too often shows forget this. But 3-gatsu no Lion knows this so very well. Nuance is something sorely missing from many shows that 3-gatsu has in spades. Each character that comes up is fleshed out and even flaws as well as strengths/. There is no such thing as the hateable villain that is built up just to be hated. Every single character is shown the good and bad parts of them. Whether it be a bully or the opponent to a shogi match, each character is treated like someone real who has their own issues and things that they have to deal with. And while they may do things that aren't nice. And in any other show would get them labelled as an unlikeable villain, 3-gatsu is able to show that there are other aspects of their life that make them this way. Everyone is explored in this way and it makes the show feel so real. In the end, there is no such thing as a truly bad person, and 3gatsu gets it.

Whats even more amazing is not just that it's able to flesh out these side characters, but the extent to which it's doing so. 3-gatsu has the powerful ability to make a character cast them in a negative light, but then show you their own story and change the audiences view so that they now want to root for them as well. It's magical how the show is continually able to showcase different situations and different issues that are relatable and lead one to want to support the one that they are watching. Even if they were the opponent just a few minutes ago, the depth and feeling that goes into exploring these characters brings me around to them, and makes it so it's hard to decide, who do I want to see win?

Added to this is 3-gatsu's powerful imagery. 3-gatsu uses images in the best way that I've seen in animation. While I'm fine with a more realistic approach and like what most anime do, there is something extremely powerful about 3-gatsu's art and animation. Metaphors and symbols are brought up. But they aren't just flashed onto the screen. They are explored and shown in the person that they are digging into. If someone feels tied up and forced into something, it's not just something that they say, it's something shown with multiple sashes building them in place and making it hard for them to move at all. Creative and powerful visuals are something that 3-gatsu does so well. Even in the lighthearted happy scenes 3-gatsu is able to make them feel so rich. Bright happy colors and smiles litter the scenes and make them so infectiously happy. They're sugary sweet and are even able to make those happy feelings feel so rich.

After all that leads into another aspect of 3-gatsu's power. The duality of life. While the show may be focused on struggles and depression, the show also knows that there are happy parts of life. Life isn't just a series of unfortunate events. While many other shows would focus on the negative to show that 3-gatsu shows everything. It shows the dark and sad moments and the art and animation to go along with it. But it also shows the moments of family, fun, friends, and all of the things that they do that brings light into their world. 3-gatsu even gets to the point of having cats talk to showcase the happy atmosphere that they're going for. And these scenes are so powerful because they show what bonds can do even through struggles. While everyone is struggling and have their issues, they're still able to come together and have a fun time. To support each other. And those moments feel so rich with that in mind. 3-gatsu really gets life it's not just good or bad things. It's good and bad things. And no show comes close to detailing them both with as much power as 3-gatsu no Lion does.

And that's what makes it so magical. It's not only able to make one feel strong feels, but it's also able to make one feel happy, to make one invested in a character they only just met, and make me at least feel this greater appreciation of the world around me. Nuance is the word that so many anime lack but 3-gatsu has. And in the end, every element of this show is masterfully done. The story is engaging and well written. The characters are filled with flaws and depth. The art is filled with rich symbolism and power, and the music to go with it fits very well and only increases the power of this show. Not onlyis this one of the best shows that I've ever watched, but I feel like it has something really important to say. Everyone is struggling. Everyone is good and bad. While one may be an enemy or someone seen unfavourably there is probably a reason they are that way and there is more to them than just that. And if the world was able to understand it I think it'd be much better off. This show isn't just masterful at all of its elements, it also gives a greater understanding of the world which I think would benefit everyone. If there was any show that I'd recommend to anyone it'd be this one. This is the best that animation has to offer, and I love it.
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