How war films should be made
2 May 2022
We live in strange times. If you do research, you soo. Learn that Hitler's war machine was no different to Mc Donald's or KFC. Just another American international operation. So much so, that a Jewish guy sued the American government and won. Who made the tanks for Hitler? Henry Ford. Who made their elite communication systems? America.

Now 2022, nothing has changed. America are still funding Nazis and making you hate the people that that truly won WW2. Yes, Russia. Whilst your tax dollars fund Nazi nationalists in Ukraine, it's good sometimes to re-view the beauty of the Russian motherland. Not only are they a slim, multilingual, beautiful race (as opposed to one language only, obese westerners), but they also make amazing movies.

Battle for Svestapol (Bitva za Sevastopol) is one such movie. Riveting from the first five minutes, Russian cinema is able to really give us a motion picture that is as engaging as Saving Private Ryan, with three dimensional characters, awesome acting, cinematography, direction and a deep, emotional screenplay. Russia isn't able to throw half a billion at a film budget, but the film looks fantastic, with amazing CGI and a rich colour pallet. Yuliya. Peresild is a dreamy leading lady with big blue eyes and a curvaceous figure. Often Western films ruin their screenplay with pointless love scenes (Pearl Harbour/Enemy at the Gates anybody?), Russia add some romance, but it's light and respectable

Certainly one of the best ever war films. Russians surely know how to make a movie.
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