Courageous to film both sides without judging
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow that made me angry. I hate some of the adults in this documentary taht find it normal for a white supremacist white kid to kill another one because he wears makeup and "girl"dresses. He doesn't follow the rules says one of these awful humans and Brandon had no other choice to put and end to a problem the school refused to address one of the jurors says... And what of Larry? What of the victim? Is it normal to ask someone who is different to hide his/her difference just because some people might find it offensive? Larry did not exist to offend Brandon, he simply existed to be his beautiful self and a hate-filled teenager decided to put an end to his life. Just because he decided it suited him best to see Larry dead, than Larry wearing makeup. Seriously people??? Some white people disgust me.
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