We little good ones have to look on each other!
29 April 2022
It got me in tears...

First, it's not Arbor Day classic, it's completely different.

And there's nothing wrong in that!

So I won't even complain with... I just don't understand critics.

Instead of... give support!

Be thankful, because exist people in today's world who still care about sending good messages to the world, inspiring kids/people to be better.

And be thankful because Apple took Peanuts Gang, and decided to continue Charlie Brown legacy.

It's not Charles S classics, and they'll never be.

But, they keep legacy, in their own way.

And I'm thankful to you Apple, and all people who work on Peanuts projects... From Snoppy in... Snoopy Show... to the specials, as for New Year, now this.

Find happiness in small things, you'll find treasure!

Thank you Apple!

My only advice is, if you can try to be more positive, as classics were... They were part of my relaxation.

Apple Snoopy Show, it is!

I meant on these new classics, ah good grief, cried on both!

That's why! Haha! Still, love love so much!

So, in the end, about this Classic.

I never compare, but if I had to, with original Arbor Day.

I watched first Arbor Day, and then this one.

Arbor day, relaxed me and made me laugh.

It's the small things, touched me and made me cry.

Both, perfect! In their own ways.

If we talk about Earth Day, and message, especially for today's times, it's better in, It's the small things, that's exactly what today's kids/people need!

To something touch their deep emotions, if they still have (that bad times came, good grief) to realize, where we going... But, we still have time to fix it!

This planet 'll live while exist good kids/people, as Sally!

And us are unfortunately small number.

That's why, we small good ones, we have to look on each other!
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