Hold Tight (2022)
Not My Fav
29 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've come to enjoy some of Coben's series, so was looking forward to this. I was left underwhelmed. I enjoy the Polish setting and some of the soundtrack, but in general, I couldn't follow the myriad storylines. I literally kept falling asleep and having to restart episodes (although in fairness I was uber exhausted this week), because it jumped around so much and it was hard to invest/care about the characters. Mom is demonized for spying on son, but if she just ignored her fears and something terrible happened, she'd be blamed for that, too- it's a no win. At least she cared more than some of the other parents (one who covers up his kid's drug problem, etc). I still have no real clue why we spent so much time on a thug who abuses/murders women and his annoying lollipop-sucking groupie. It all felt disjointed with a cliche sappy happy ending (kind of...?). A nice production value can't save a wonky script or annoying characters, so sadly this was kind of a miss compared to other series. PS, I couldn't be bothered to rewind so I must have missed it, but what was the deal with the teacher, the kid, and the stupid beard-bullying??
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