Picket Fences: Sacred Hearts (1992)
Season 1, Episode 8
Like Reading the Editorial Page
28 April 2022
Having watched this show so many years ago, I'd forgotten how formulaic it was. First of all, find a controversial social issue. List all the possible viewpoints. Take each of your characters and give them a voice in each of those viewpoints. The press moves in, exacerbating things. This one is about assisted suicide. A nun has been accused of aiding an elderly woman who is in the last stages of leukemia. According to legal statutes, this constitutes murder. The Sheriff has to oversee the two zealots on his force. His wife is totally opposed to this action using the case that who gets to decide when it's time--and is the Kavorkian actor pushing this person into action? Of course, the town is now filled with every fabric of he issue. Church choirs are singing in the courthouse. The Catholics and Protestants are doing battle. The kids are trying to figure things out. Anyway, it is all so contrived. Judge Bone makes an interesting call at the end.
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