Review of Raw Force

Raw Force (1982)
This Film Is Insane! Insanely Good Fun!
28 April 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Raw Force; before launching into my critique, here's a breakdown of my ratings:

Story - 1.25 Direction - 1.00 Pace - 1.00 Acting - 0.75 Enjoyment - 1.25

TOTAL - 5.25 out of 10

The writer of this story must have been on the good stuff. I mean, how else can you dream-up cannibalistic monks bartering jade for beautiful female flesh, which they devour so they can reanimate the corpses of disgraced martial artists? Then throw into the mix, a bad guy sporting a Hilter-stach, a goofy philandering husband and his hard done to wife, a grumpy old sea captain who's relegated to ferrying people about for a woman he can't stand but secretly loves, a crewman who could be Bruce Lee's brother, a stereotypical biker gang - sans bikes, and a bunch of white martial arts experts. The strange thing about all this is that the simplistic story works well and is as enjoyable as hell.

The direction isn't anything special, though there are moments in the fight sequences where things gell better - provocative camera angles and faster cutting between shots. It's not as exciting as it could have been, but it does have its moments. Unfortunately, the comedic segments suffer a tad, and I believe it's down to the era: What we found humorous then is not that funny nowadays. Nevertheless, there are some laugh-out-loud occasions, and some are unintentional.

The cast is okay for this type of mad jape flick. A few of them are over-the-top - some gloriously so, others are wooden, and a few are semi-decent. This strange mix works excellently in this strange story. They congeal together, not to make a mess, but to form an alluring something.

Raw Force is a great B-Movie of a flick. And if all you want from a movie is silliness and entertainment, don't look any further - This has loads of both. Leave your brain by the door, pop open a cold one, and enjoy.

Please feel free to visit my Killer Thriller Chillers, Just For Laughs, Holding Out For A Hero, and Obsidian Dreams lists to see where I ranked Raw Force.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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