B-movie quickie
25 April 2022
CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN (1958) is about as good as you'd expect for a B-movie shot in just six days. It's from quickie director Edward L. Cahn, whose THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE from the following year is much superior, although this has its moments too. It involves a petrified body being unearthed from Pompeii where it soon goes on the rampage, intent on capturing one of the female team members who aided in its discovery.

There really isn't much going for this one although it's hardly dull. You soon realise it's very much a mummy picture with a different backdrop but otherwise the same set-up and action. The catastrophic events of AD 79 are depicted with some brief but nifty FX, and the titular monster looks pretty good too. But the kills are limited, the human characters little more than cardboard cut-outs, and there isn't a huge amount of plot. At least it's brisk, and the twist ending is a fun one.
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