Star Trek: Enterprise: Shadows of P'Jem (2002)
Season 1, Episode 15
A Senior Trekker writes....................
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode we get to see an interesting build up of inter-species political tensions between the Humans, Vulcans and Andorians, complete with a hostage situation and a commando-type rescue. What we don't get to see much of, however, is the promised sight of the heavily populated Coridan system, since Archer and T'Pol spend most of their visit as captives in a basement, tried to one another in embarrassing proximity.

Apart from the disappointment of such an uninspired landfall, not enough opportunity is given to Star Trek alumnae Gary Graham, Vaughn Armstrong and Jeffrey Combs, representing the complex inter-species machinations. All of these actors have proved themselves capable of adding considerable verisimilitude to this type of part and effortlessly suggest a far more intricate back-story than is here given screen time.

If this episode gets some good reviews it is probably because of the way in which these three characters develop upon the intrigue generated in previous episodes, not because of what Archer and T'Pol get up to in captivity. As the two prisoners wrestle with their bonds they end up in various positions of intimate contact to no apparent end other than to add a bit of sexual innuendo. Whatever was intended, it is as uncomfortable to watch as it apparently was to film and ultimately fails to develop any chemistry between the two.

During the rescue T'Pol jumps in front of Archer and is seriously injured thereby preventing her imminent transfer off of the Enterprise in punishment for her perceived involvement in the destruction of the P'Jem monastery. I don't think any of us actually believed she would be leaving the ship although one or two viewers may have inadvertently had their hopes raised.

Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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