No Centipedes Were Harmed In Filming - But Afterwards... Ugh! Centipedes... Stomp, Stomp, CRUNCH!
19 April 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Centipede Horror; before launching into my critique, here's a breakdown of my ratings:

Story - 0.75 Direction - 1.00 Pace - 1.00 Acting - 1.00 Enjoyment - 1.25

TOTAL - 5.00 out of 10

Centipede Horror is similar to Bewitched (1981) but doesn't possess as much pizazz. Centipede is definitely the poorer and worst dressed cousin.

The story begins a tad spikily and feels rushed. The writers try to condense a lot of mystery and exposition into the opening sequences. Regrettably, it doesn't quite work. I believe that with a slight story structure alteration, everything could have been resolved. I had a sense the story was there to drive the action and effects and not entertain. That is a pity as the story could have been so good.

However, if the story's purpose was to get the audience to the action and effects, the direction let us down on that journey. There were plenty of sections that required a sharper tone to them. Quicker cuts between angles and scenes would have helped create excitement, especially in the Good Vs Evil battle segments. I'm not even going to mention how the low budget affected the special effects; still, it was nice to see what happens to the bones in a KFC Boneless Bucket. And, the skinless chickens aren't the only beasties in this flick. Oh no, the star of this show would be the centipedes in the end sequence. I didn't know these critters could skitter so fast. Usain Bolt would have trouble beating these varmints in a race. Now I say the centipedes would be the stars, that is, if it weren't for Tien-Lang Li, who had three of these creepy crawlies in her mouth. Each is about three to four inches long and very much alive. You, my dear lady, are a star. Thank you for creeping me the F-out.

As for the cast, I can only call them average. Although, that has more to do with the writers' lack of characterisation than the performers. The actors and actresses can only do so much with what they are given.

With all of that in consideration, Centipede Horror isn't a write-off. It is interesting and entertaining, but I couldn't say it engrossed me and didn't let go. If you want to watch a Good Vs Evil Sorcery flick, I would happily recommend Bewitched. However, if you come across Centipede on any streaming service, it wouldn't hurt you to give it a watch. It may also whet your appetite for something better...like Bewitched (no, I don't get royalties - it's just that good.)

Please feel free to visit my Absolute Horror and Monstrous lists to see where I ranked Centipede Horror.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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